コンブチャ・ブリュワリー訪問! / A visit to Kombucha brewery of The Buch Brothers



お恥ずかしながら、生まれて初めてコンブチャを飲んだのがつい3ヶ月前。(ヘルシーコンシャスな人の間ではすでにポピュラーなものだと思うので)中央駅の北側のノールトの海沿いにあるCafé de Ceuvel にて。ちょうどコンブチャ・ブリュワリーをやっているThe Buch Brothersがお披露目会をやっていたときでした。

I’m a bit hesitate to say that it was just a 3 month ago when I first time have drunken Kombucha, coz it’s already very popular among the healthy conscious people! It was at Café de Ceuvel, along the coast side, on the north side of Amsterdam central station, when The Buch Brothers had a reception event of their Kombucha.


コンブチャ=昆布茶と思ってしまったのは、私だけでしょうか? 日本人なら、まだ多くの人がそう思っているのではないでしょうか??

コンブチャ=紅茶キノコは1970年代にブームになり、またひっそりと2014年頃から注目を集めているドリンク。お茶と糖分、それにスコービーと呼ばれるゲル状の菌株を一緒に発酵させて作ります。生きた菌、 プロバイオティクスが含まれていて、美容や健康にとてもいい、といわれており、ヘルシーコンシャスな女優やモデルさんたちがこぞって飲んでいるそうです。(写真はスコービーを乾燥させて作られたオブジェ)

Maybe still many Japanese people may recognize Kombucha as ‘Kombu-cha’ (昆布茶, that means tea made of powdered kelp in Japanese language)’ because of the same pronunciation.
Kombucha is a fermented tea created with a living organism called a SCOBY, a symbiotic culture of bacterias and yeasts, that when combined with tea begins to ferment. It has been known for it’s health benefits, containing probiotic qualities that assist nutrient absorbtion as well as boosting immunity, or help your body draining off chemicals from your body.
(Here’s artworks made from dried scoby..)


The Buch Brothersのコンブチャ・ブリュワリーは、アムステルダムの南西サンドベルグ大学院の一角にあります。製作中の大きな造形物を通り過ぎるとブリュアリーがありました。

The Kombucha brewery of The Buch Brothers is located in the building of The Sandberg Institute, southwest part of Amsterdam. We passed some huge artworks in progress and arrived at the brewery.



Fermenting Kombucha in the kegs. To keep the proper temperature, they put heaters inside and also put hemp fibers between woods of the door. Just one scoby at the first has been grown into 9.


The Buch Brothers はニコラス、タイス、クリントの3人のプロジェクト。Café de Ceuvelで出会った3人は、コンブチャを通じて「身体にとっても、自然にとってもいいものを少しずつ広めていきたい」という思いで会社を作りました。

The Buch Brothers is a Kombucha tea microbrewery based in Amsterdam and comprised of three chefs : Nicolas, Thijs and Clint. They encountered in the kitchen of Café de Ceuvel, Amsterdam North, and shared vision and created a company with their belief on the importance of food, the body and nature.


The Buch Brothersのコンブチャに使われている材料はすべてオーガニック。フランスでミシュランの星付きレストランで働いていたこともあるニコラスが先頭となって味を思考錯誤しチェックして、繊細な香りとフレイバーを保っています。

Anybody can make Kombucha if they can get a scoby and the instruction. So what’s the difference between theirs and others??
That’s taste itself !
I’ve tried the other bottled Kombucha but it was totally different taste. It was actually Kombucha but flavored with fruits at the second fermentation and tasted like more ‘normal lemonade’.
The Buch Brothers use only organic ingredients. Their product ‘Jasmine K’is made of green jasmine tea and white refined beetroot sugar. The subtle flavor and tastes with natural bubbles such as elegant sparkling wine without alcohol is best for coming summer season!


To keep the quality with sensitive flavor and for the research, they check Ph and sugar amount almost everyday. In the picture, Thijs checked the brand-new Kombucha ‘Lapsang-K’ made from Lapsang souchong, the tea smoked with pine.



Kombucha cocktail with Japanese Sake, Kakurei Junmai-Ginjo. Glass trimmed with crispy nuts, dipping slightly with elderflower syrop. Served with a dried prum and a leaf of elderflower, it reminded us of a scent of jasmine tea.



Nicolas in his construction of the brewery. Thijs and Clint called him ‘a wizard’.


イベント時のタイス。Café de Ceuvelにて。大学では映画制作を学んでいた。

Thijs at Café de Ceuvel, at the time of The Buch Brother’s event. He majored in film direction.



Clint in his construction of the brewery. He has also interested in fermented foods.

The Buch Brothers

Author: Kumi Nagano
Supported by: Norihiko Kawai